a year ago
Zaytoona is one of the best places I do my shopping now. It has most of our needs as Mediterranean style market. I feel I am home . The owners Are super friendly and co operative. Please support your local business and give those people a hand to go bigger and keep going. Their prices are very convenient and their varieties are so attractive.
2 months ago
Great selection, cool staff, fresh food.nIt's funny how all the bad reviews came together at the same week, 10 months ago. After going through all of them, it's obvious that it was an organized effort by an individual and their friends to hurt a small business.
5 months ago
It’s a clean, everything you need, Middle Eastern convenient store. Fresh Pita bread daily. Fresh mu’ajanat. I even found a block of Kashkaval cheese there! Great value for the product you get. It’s the store that the Arab community has been waiting for! If you live in the Halton Region, it’s a store worth the visit.
a year ago
Turkish coffee with or without hail. Smokes and lottery. Mlukia, kafta, shishtawoot, spices from a to z, Akawi cheese, olives, chick peas, kibbah, markoot bread, baklava, Ceders brands are best product. Only the masters delight in compressed bad for mixed nuts are delickous, bulgar wheat for tubbooli, fresh produce at front, Turkish delight. Pita bread, and lahma bageen, sweet date breads, and much more.
a year ago
A lovely Arabic food store with a smart selection of authentic products. They carry everything from bulk dry goods like watermelon seeds, to harder to find products like Nablusi booza. A very well-rounded spot.
The reviews featured on this page have been gathered from individuals who have shared their experiences related to Zaytoona or the affiliated organization on Google Maps*. These reviews may refer to either the listing professional or the business location.
* Rest assured that Google's policies and guidelines have been adhered to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the shared experiences. Please note that since these reviews are snapshots, they might appear differently from the live version if users have edited or removed their reviews.