in the last week
came across this place for Koshary and it did not disappoint!!nVery pleased with my overall experiencenFood was tasty and fresh %nKoshary was on point !!nOwners are great people, friendly and big smiles! Just go here and order anything..highly recommended!nI will definitely visit again.
in the last week
Friendly and generous staff, I was lucky to go on a special day they make their pita fresh. I think a Friday... I've never had a beef kebab that tasted so good. Simple but with a few select ingredients that made all the difference.
a month ago
What can I say but amazing and friendly service and of course the best koshari ever! Their food is so fresh and so good. It’s our go to place for egyptian cuisine
4 months ago
I have been looking for a place to get koshary for a long time in Calgary. Found this place after a google search and planned to go the next day. Let me say, this did not disappoint!! The koshary was absolutely delicious. The hot sauce, which was homemade, I could drink it from the bottle. We also picked up some other items that we will eat once we get home and digest after devouring the koshary.nnSpecial mention to the service received while visiting. Unmatched! So friendly and hospitable. Will be back.
a month ago
If you havent been to Shawarma Cairo & Pizza you are wasting your life. 10/10 no joke. I got the Mixed BBQ. They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, I love you Shawarma Cairo and Pizza, Habibi
The reviews featured on this page have been gathered from individuals who have shared their experiences related to Shawarma Cairo & Pizza or the affiliated organization on Google Maps*. These reviews may refer to either the listing professional or the business location.
* Rest assured that Google's policies and guidelines have been adhered to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the shared experiences. Please note that since these reviews are snapshots, they might appear differently from the live version if users have edited or removed their reviews.